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Ostatnia wiadomość w wątku: 2006-05-26 20:49:22 napisana przez ~Avonu Pokaż ostatnią wiadomość |
^Nicolai |
Krewal14 napisał/a:
> a tak na marginesie, kolejny raz olano polskich
> fanów gry... ja nie wiem czy to już jakaś
> tradycja czy co?? Dlaczego nikt o nas nie
> pomyśli, uważam, żę to beszczelność:smut2:
I tu się mylisz. Polacy to jedna z większych grupfanów Heroesa. 5% z beta-testerów jest polskiej narodowości. Swego czasu były tematy na temat polskich nazw jednostek, później wyniki były wysyłane do Ubiego. Polska wersja językowa ma mie premierę, albo niedługo po światowej, lub też równo z nią.
Krewal14 |
no to good. Wogule to ja sie już nie moge doczekać V częsci. Zaczne chyba już na nią forse składać-bo pewnie mało to ona kosztować nie bedzie:smut4: szkoda bo piraci będą mieli niezły obrót na tej grze:rad2:
^Sefirot |
Odkąd gra jest chroniona StarForcem, to raczej zadania nie będą mieli łatwego ;)
A jeśli chodzi o polską wersję - tą kolekcjonerską - uważam za zupełny bezsens, nawet jeśli jest się fanem tej serii, kupowanie (czyt. zamawianie) "kota w worku", co bez wątpienia podsuwa nam CD - projekt. niech już lepiej szybko się naradzą z tym Ubisoftem, bo aż nie mogę się doczekać aż zobaczę, co takiego w tej edycji będzie. 159 zł? Trochę to jest... Oby dorzucili coś fajnego ;)
SirLuq |
wystarczy zarejestrowac jakas gre na CD-porjekt i masz wirtualnepieniadze!!! moze wtedy zaoszczedzic nawet 40 zl i kupic wersje kolekcjonerska za 119zl albo zwykla za 99,- z czego 20zl wirtualnymi czyli za 79zl masz Heroes 5 ORGINAL!
nie wiem jak bedzie ale mieli jeszcze dorzucic H1 H2 H3 ze wszystkimi dodatkami i mapami :)
wiec chyba warto!
a jeszcze dostawa gratis hyhyhy :)
TAK bylo chyba ze teraz cos pozmieniaja (ale nie sadze)
no i jesli zamawiasz kurierem to gre bedziesz mial 2 dni przed premiera HYHYHYHY :)
Swoja droga czy jest sens dokladac 40 zl (roznica miedzy wersja zwykla a kolekcjonerska po wykorzystaniu "wirtualnych $$") skoro dodaja tam tylko (tak mialo byc, chyba ze cos zmienia) Skrzynie z Drewna i Mape Heroes i filmik jak tworzyli gre i obszerniejsza instrukcja
hmmmmm chyba nie warto
a wtedy jeszcze masz numer limitowany tylko po co on
Tak czy tak WARTO kupic HEROES V
PS ciekawe kto uzyczyl glosu dla: bohaterow lektora itp
~Avonu_de_Odihs |
Trochę informacji z forum CDP:
"Nie wypowiem się na temat zamówień ani edycji kolekcjonerskiej, ponieważ nie znam sprawy, zrobią to bardziej poinformowane osoby (po nowym roku). Natomiast jeśli chodzi o lokalizację HOMM V - już rozpoczęliśmy prace nad samą grą, i celujemy w wydanie jej wraz z premierą światową :) Już od stycznia powinniście uzyskiwać więcej informacji na tematy Was interesujące, w tym i zawartości EK (na razie nie jest ona ustalona na 100% w Ubi)."
Krewal14 |
troche sie to skomplikowane wydaej... a czy ktos wie kiedy zacznie działacć imperium jaskini behomota, tam tyle przydatnych {ORT} było
szon26 |
zajrzyj do tematu "informacje" na tym forum będziesz sporo wiedzieć... a po za tym...
jaskinia.celestialheavens.com lub www.heroes.net.pl :)
pozdr :)
^val-gaav |
Pod tym adresem jest pare nowych screenów jak i artykuł o h5 ...
Tutaj wklejam tłumaczenie na angielski . Tłumaczenie jest systemowe bo ja niepojemaju pa ruski :)
"heroes" died... yes they be in good health "heroes"!
The dark cloud of uncertainty is overhanging above the fans of "heroic" association after bankruptcy of company 3DO, which did not know how to bring to mind Heroes of Might and Magic 4 even by two addonami and rank of patchey. The fallen banner of brand caught the French giant Ubisoft, also half a year protomivshiy of fans in the expectation of news about the possible continuation. And here, against the miracle: producer fabris To kambune (Fabrice Cambounet) declares, that a series is living, and it begins to actively associate with the worshippers, regularly appearing at the forums and gathering proposals for the following part of the game. Miracle is number two: HoMM 5 is done in Russia, moreover works at it company Nival Interactive, noted for operating times in the region of step-by-step strategies.
We our, we new peace will build
Together with the popular brand Ubisoft was obtained heavy heritage in the form by the order of the intricate universe Might and Magic, whose history was created by the different authors for elongation of ten and the more of the years (it reached the fact that some heroes inadvertently changed floor upon transfer into the following game). Frenchmen took an example from Aleksandr makedonskiy and cut gordiyev knot, "perezapustiv" play peace from zero.
Is reviewed, first of all, concept itself. This is more not naive- open-hearted fairy tale with the noble knights, the excellent princesses and the black and white division into dobro/zlo, svet/t'mu. M&.M it became more many-sided (so, the "bright" race of people ceased to rest on love and mercy, after selecting as motto "honor. Debt. Order").
Appeared the cause-effect connections, which make it possible to see the organic device of the universe. From now on races and essences appear not according to the principle "each creature - on the pair", but according to the troubles of the development of peace. For example, traditionally underground lock Dungeon is now populated by the dark elves, who there is no time were separated from the forest relations, after concluding agreement with the mysterious faceless. In the descriptions of yunitov Dungeon you will see present city-state with your principles, whereas in Heroes 3 there, similarly, simply they pushed all, who could live underground.
The unique coloring of each race is revealed also in the characteristics of yunitov themselves. The brutal'nye soldiers Inferno so puff by the fire: Succubus Favorites They beat by beaded lightning, and Pit Lords are covered extensive sections with meteoritic rain. Brisk forest elves take by the high initiative of motion, but it is insufficiently well protected. Similar examples - ten.
Three-dimensional heroes
the "heroes" for the first time took a step into complete 3D, which undoubtedly increases entertainment. Revolving camera and changing the scale of map, it is possible to examine any detail of majestic lock or to delight in by immense panoramas, and juicy three-dimensional specials-effect will become additional "candy for the eyes".
But the filling of "candy" has bitterish aftertaste. Will not stray we in "lepote"? It is not necessary virtuoso to revolve and to scale map in order not to pass sunduchok, which was lurked under the fir tree? This by no means trifle, as it may seem at first glance: if this need can be survived in the odnopol'zovatel'skoy game, then already hunting of the the mul'tipleyernym to battles it is capable of repulsing without ceremony.
They do not be born by heroes
Pestovaniye of hero was always one of the most favorite (and most important) occupations in the game. Unfortunately, in Heroes 3 our of protege, after rising to n -qatogo level, in effect lost individuality, being converted into the universal instrument of murder, equally hardened both in the rough force and in the magic. Well, and hence already not far to united method of "circulation" and standardized strategies of game.
Heroes 5 are more diverse in the sphere of the development of under wardship. Heroes in proportion to gaining of experience can not only increase their skills (Skills), but also acquire abilities (Abilities); together with original specialization (Specialization) and with racial special features this opens wide space for the winning combinations.
In order not to be unsubstantiated, I will give an example. Specialization on the archers (+1 Attack and +1 Defense for each third level) was considered in Heroes 3 of that put outting itself in no way (but that by completely useless). Now character with this specialization will make it necessary to focus attention on himself, since in a comparatively short time he makes it possible to hammer together the imposing army of archers and it is essential to increase her power due to the "circulation" of hero.
The first problem is solved with the aid of building Training Grounds, in which the archers make from the usual peasants. Certainly, such pointers bypass at an exorbitant price, but burden can be weakened, after selecting Expert Trainer (of -10% price) and Estate (+250 gold during the day) and after building the building, which decreases the cost of training. Then yunity become more steeply because of the heroic abilities Archery (+20% to the loss), Frenzy (+1 Damage), Toughness (+1 HP) and the development of skill WarMachine (to +3 attack). You will be put into Leadership, and then archers will more frequently shoot, and in the presence Retribution - bring greater than usually, loss. Completing prime - incantation Bless and Haste. It is prepared! Before you - very powerful army, finished, at least, to bright clean neutral monsters from map and to gather all "vkusnosti".
Or are better to raise hero, who specializes in the monks, and for the rapid completion troops of the servants of faith to train them from mechnikov? Start will prove to be not such sharp, then in the endgame solid army can come out from the essences of higher level. In a word, prepare actively to think and to act into the dependence on the map and the behavior of enemies. Nontrivial selection exists in all races.
Ata- Baths, or something about scale ATB
The classical step-by-step regime of battles is simple and predicted to the banality: for each "round" each soldier moves in all times (or two, if it allows high morals). Change only priority it is running yunitov and distance their displacements. In Heroes 5 appeared system ATB (Advanced Turn-Based), familiar to amateurs jRPG.
It they be in the following. In the beginning of battle the marks of yunitov are located on by right the end of "thermometer" ATB. Then they begin to displace from right to left with the different speed, which depends on the initiative of yunita. When whose -nibud6 ikonka reaches the left edge of the scale, sounds command "stop", and the right of motion returns to this yunitu. Finally the mark returns to the right edge and is repeated its "run".
Good this or is bad? Yes it is noticeable! The cyclic recurrence crowded after-taste at long last disappeared, even very concept of "round" lost sense (let us take, for example, in all the pair of yunitov: with initiative 7 and 9; so here, cycle or "round" in this case will compose "kh9='e of motion!) In HoMM 5 it is not easy to predict the sum of battle, although the local system works according to the rigid laws. When desired you will be able to calculate sequence it is running "to five scales forward", but it does be worthwhile to suffer? Especially when in the matter interfere any modifiers (of type of the fallen morals or incantation), which influence the speed of advance on ATB.
Further. The initiative, which determines now not only priority, but also the frequency of motion, becomes so important a characteristic as, for example, inflicted loss. Bright soldier will have time to resemble 2-3 times, until turn reaches the clumsy "thick" monster. But the wide variety of valuable characteristics indicates the more saturated in the tactical plan struggles.
This is sweet word "magic"
Witchcraft was given too simply in Heroes 3: sufficient there was to develop Wisdom, and your wise hero mastered any incantation. Creators Heroes I bent stick to other side: in order to master elementary "spellom" of the first level, it was necessary to pass examination to the specialist in the appropriate region of magic. Developers do not reveal the system of the magic of new "heroes". It is known that it will be harder than in the "troika", but not stricter than in the "four". On the whole, there is an occasion to hope that "nival" groped the "golden mean".
A quantity of incantations was reduced to 40. But you do not hurry to shout "guard". You will recall the precept of Ilyich: "it is better less, yes it is better!". Actually, try to now name most dear and frequently utilized "spelly". Hardly you will collect four tens. Then to what rest? Imaginary variety, bitten enemy of balance, to us is not necessary.
"make to us rapidly!"
This call became especially urgent after protracted mul'tipleyera Heroes 4. Even club parties last noon, and to play through the Internet almost impossibly because of the wearisome expectation of sending and load of of multi-megabyte save- save-fa1lov. But the principle of the step-by-step game is the culprit of basic inconvenience: for you it is mandatory to await the motion of opponenta(ov).
Heroes 5 will propose the original solution. "Ghost Mode" will allow player to study the matter, until rivals think: it is possible to find out territory or to arrange small dirty tricks to enemies. But for those, who do not love to be occupied by town building and immediately he vomits in the battle, is provided "Duel Mode", where no one will prevent you from swiftly collecting nonacid army and from challenging enemy to duel.
Evolution on the face of the revolution
In order to recount innovations HoMM 5, will be sufficient finger one hand: heroic abilities, ATB- scale for the battles, the clearly expressed racial special features, the reviewed system of magic, two fresh mul'tipleyernykh regimes... Here, perhaps, and everything, without considering the renovated universe Might and Magic in honest 3D here there are no revolutionary ideas like "hero it fights in combat on the level with all" A -l4 heroes 4; in the plan of play mechanics the fifth "heroes" it is returned to the checked by time "three rubles".
But, strictly, that here poor? The main thing so that the project would be brought to the perfection. So that would come out the game, which never will tire.
Certainly, the fitting of the component parts of the many-sided creation - task improbably difficult, but indeed and forces are big enough. What stands the two-thousandth force of the volunteer- testers, which fall developers by proposals on an improvement in all and entire, beginning from the play balance and concluding by interface! Looking at this, it is desirable to believe that we will obtain the ground diamond, which will become the unconditional adornment of a "heroic" series.
P.S. Although the worm of doubt still gnaws the soul: and not podportit 3-dimensional nature net part?
^vinius |
a może ktoś dobrej woli i wielkiego serca przetłumaczy to na Polski :) ?
Krewal14 |
no własnie my po polsi gawarje a nie po angielsku:smich2:
^Islington |
to ja taki news. wyczytałem, że premiera HOMM V sie przesunela. niewiele wiecej pod linkiem
Krewal14 |
no ja ise tego spodziewałem, ale z takimi chotami zawsze tak jest.Przekładaja z dwuch powodów:
1. Bo im dłużej gra sie nie ujawnia tym większe emocje, większe nierzadko zainteresowanie
2. Bo na prawde jej jeszcze nie skończyli, chća jeszcze coś poprawić, troche zmieńić zawsze tak jest:rad2:
szon26 |
Po za tym jeśli przesunięcie premiery gry ma jej wyjść na lepsze to chyba nikt nie będzie przeciwko ;)
^vinius |
w sumie to nawet lepiej. w pośpiechu wydane H4 trochę nie wypaliło.
~acha12345 |
Na stronce celestialu coś napisali że January 5th tylko nie pisze co może demo :) albo jakies newsy
SirLuq |
Kiedy to demo wyjdzie
a co do http://celestialheavens.com/admin/robenhagen/logo_teaser.jpg
to chyba zapowiedz nowej strony :(
a mialo byc tak pieknie :(
^Puzon_351 |
Ekem... z jednej strony ślinie sie na ta gre juz od dawna i wytrzymac nie moge:P, aby znow zaliczyc "kilka" nocek przy HoMM , a z drugiej strony wole poczekac "troche" żeby gra byla bardziej dopracowana (zreszta tak jak tutaj kazdy mowil:P)
SirLuq |
Kiedy to DEMO sie ukaze ??? mialo byc w zeszlym roku (jak to brzmi :smiech3: ) a tu juz Styczen i zamiast Dema to jakies nowe strony otwieraja :pff4:
Ale lepiej dluzej czekac niz ... sie rozczarowac
~.krewal14 |
I ja tak myśle, żeby tylko wszystko było spoko, no i żeby mi poszło. Własnie ktoś nie zna dokładnej daty z demem?
SirLuq |
i wszystko jasne ten news na http://www.celestialheavens.com/
z obrazkiem ktory wyglada tak
tak wiec to chodzi o nowa strone :smut2:
a juz myslalem ze DEMO