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Tymczasowe forum Jaskini » Heroes III - Zaścianek weteranów » Heroes Portal & Jaskini Behemota

Ostatnia wiadomość w wątku: 2006-01-30 21:55:31 napisana przez ^LEVY
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1. Heroes Portal & Jaskini Behemota
2006-01-27 21:07:36
Hello, I am the Director of [url]http://www.heroesportal.net[/url] . There had been a tourney in Heroes III between our websites. I'd like to congratulate your team as the victors, and thus end the tourney. Here's the report: [url]http://www.heroesportal.net/events.php?id=48&lang=english[/url] And here's the same report in detailed graphical form: [url]http://www.heroesportal.net/files/on-line_poland_eng.jpg[/url] I hope that it won't be the last tournament of such kind. The main thing is to have a good start. :) It is possible that we would set a money reward for the next tourney so that it would be more interesting. Also I'd like to use this opportunity to inform you of the following news: Yesterday, in honour of the sixth anniversary of Heroes Portal we have opened a special offline tourney in Heroes of Might and Magic III with total prize of 100USD. The tourney is carried out without any bonuses bought in the market. You just need to download save [url]http://www.heroesportal.net/land/?type=H3other&lang=english[/url] and win the game in given time with the best result. Don't forget about standard limitations outlined here: [url]http://www.heroesportal.net/land/?rules=main&lang=english[/url]. Only registered users of Heroes Portal can take part in the tourney. You can register here: [url]http://www.heroesportal.net/user.php?lang=english[/url] . Perhaps you'll be interested in this information and write about it in your news.
2. RE: Heroes Portal & Jaskini Behemota
2006-01-30 20:28:36
Zwycięzcom serdecznie gratuluję :)
3. RE: Heroes Portal & Jaskini Behemota
2006-01-30 21:55:31
Gratulacje chlopaki :)